
The Ocean { } subnode contains all of the information needed to produce an ocean for the specified body. Note that the ocean is one of the two Procedural Quad Spheres on the body it is applied to. This means that some PQS Settings can be applied to Oceans.


  • Material { }
  • FallbackMaterial { }
  • Mods { }
  • Fog { }


        ocean = True
        oceanColor = 0,0,1,1
        oceanHeight = 100
        density = 1.25
        minLevel = 1
        maxLevel = 6
        minDetailDistance = 8
        maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            color = Color as seen from up close, default is 1,1,1,1
            colorFromSpace = Color as seen from far away (how do color maps affect this?), default is 1,1,1,1
            specColor = Color, default = 1,1,1,1
            shininess = Float, default = 0.078125
            gloss = Float, default = 0.078125
            tiling = Float, default = 1
            waterTex = Texture, default is "white"
            waterTexScale = X,Y
            waterTexOffset = X,Y
            waterTex1 = Texture, default is "white"
            waterTex1Scale = X,Y
            waterTex1Offset = X,Y
            bTiling = Float, default = 1 // Bump Map Tiling
            bumpMap = Texture, default is "bump"
            bumpMapScale = X,Y
            bumpMapOffset = X,Y
            displacement = Float, default is 1 // Water Movement
            texDisplacement = Float, default is 1 // Texture Displacement (what does this mean)
            dispFreq = Float, default is 1, the frequency with which the water moves.
            mix = Float, default is one, ??????
            oceanOpacity = Float, default is 1, opacity of the ocean surface
            falloffPower = Float, default is 1, ???
            falloffExp = Float, default is 2
            fogColor = Color, default is 0,0,1,1, AP Fog Color (what is that)
            heightFallOff = Float, default = 1, AP Height Fall Off
            globalDensity = Float, default is 1, AP Global Density
            atmosphereDepth = Float, default is 1, AP Atmosphere Depth
            fogColorRamp = Gradient
            fogColorRampScale = X,Y
            fogColorRampOffset = X,Y
            fadeStart = Float, default is 1
            fadeEnd = Float, default is 1
            planetOpacity = Float, default = 1
            normalXYFudge = Float, default = 0.1
            normalZFudge = Float, default = 1.1
            color = Color as seen from up close, default is 1,1,1,1
            colorFromSpace = Color as seen from far away (how do color maps affect this?), default is 1,1,1,1
            specColor = Color, default = 1,1,1,1
            shininess = Float, default = 0.078125
            gloss = Float, default = 0.078125
            tiling = Float, default = 1
            waterTex = Texture, default is "white"
            waterTexScale = X,Y
            waterTexOffset = X,Y
            waterTex1 = Texture, default is "white"
            waterTex1Scale = X,Y
            waterTex1Offset = X,Y
            fadeStart = Float, default is 1
            fadeEnd = Float, default is 1
            planetOpacity = Float, default = 1
            // just put PQSMods here. WHether they work is a different story
            afgAltMult = Float
            afgBase = Float
            afgLerp = True/False
            afgMin = Float
            fogColorEnd = Color
            fogColorStart = Color
            fogDensityAltScalar = Float
            fogDensityExponent = Float
            fogDensityPQSMult = Float
            fogDensityStart = Float
            skyColorMult = Float
            skyColorOpacityAltMult = Float
            skyColorOpacityBase = Float
            sunAltMult = Float
            sunBase = Float
            sunMin = Float
            useFog = True/False
Property Format Description
ocean Boolean Whether the ocean is enabled.
oceanColor Color The color of the ocean on the map.
oceanHeight Float The height of the ocean in meters.
density Float The density of the ocean in g/m3. 1 is the density of actual water.
minLevel Integer The PQS minimum level of triangles needed to display the ocean. Advised not to touch.
maxLevel Integer The PQS maximum level of triangles needed to display the ocean.
minDetailDistance Float The minimum detail distance of ???.
maxQuadLengthsPerFrame Float Unknown use. Advised not to touch.